A formal partnership has recently been established between Heartbeat Victoria and the Baker Institute to support engagement with individuals with lived experience of heart disease and heart conditions.
The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute (the Baker Institute) is an independent, internationally renowned medical research facility, with a long history. The Institute’s work extends from the laboratory to wide-scale community studies and is focused on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and related conditions.
Community engagement at the Baker Institute relates to all activities that involve patients, carers, healthcare professionals who work with its researchers. The Baker Institute believes in active and meaningful partnership with the community. Its researchers engage in activities and research projects with a focus on carrying out projects WITH or BY the community and shifting from an approach focused on delivering programs TO them.
There are several ways in which community members share experience with researchers. This is dependent on the design of the study and the objectives of the project. Examples of activities include:
- Brainstorming sessions for young researchers to gauge the community interests;
- Consultative workshops to develop research outcomes;
- Community feedback on patient forms;
- Completing survey documents;
- Meet and greet opportunities between researchers and the community;
- Laboratory tours and Q & A opportunities;
- Participation in interviews answering research questions;
- Participation in answering grant-related questions;
- Regular catch ups with researchers to maintain and utilise the community voice; and
- Workshops to generate reports, newsletters conferences, distributing information through community networks.
Read all about this exciting new partnership and other news in the 2024 Autumn edition of Heartbeat Happenings.