Become a member of Heartbeat Victoria

Membership of Heartbeat Victoria branches is open to individuals who:

  • are interested in receiving the positive benefits of belonging to a cardiac peer support group;
  • have an interest in issues affecting people with heart disease or who have suffered a heart event;
  • are interested in becoming a member of a Heartbeat Victoria branch; and
  • agree with our aims and objectives in the Heartbeat Victoria Council – Rules of Association.

How to join

Simply fill in the form below or print out the Membership Application (pdf) and submit it to Heartbeat Victoria Council Inc. The instructions are on the form. Please also fill in our Consent to Photography & Multimedia (online form) or use the printable (pdf) version and submit it to Heartbeat Victoria Council Inc (PO Box 144, Parkville VIC 3052) along with your membership application.

Membership application

Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Email list

Organisations and individuals who join a Heartbeat Victoria branch are automatically placed on our email list and receive regular updates on member forums, news items, newsletters from our various branches and heart peer support groups throughout Victoria.